Joo folks, this is some news. The korean website playxp claims (in korean, very hard to read imho) that Blizzard sent them a somewhat unfficial press release, stating taht the Starcraft 2 Beta gets back by end of June!

This would be very very cool ‚cause I am extremely hanging around. Me and my team even restarted getting into Top 50 in Warcraft 3 ladder (wow achievement) yesterday due to nothing to do. Really annoying.

What Blizzard states and what Google Translator translates is the following:

– 최종 비공개 베타 테스트 실시: 2010년 6월 말 예상
– Final private beta test conducted: Expected end of June 2010

Really tough grammar, but enough to see this Date and the Buzz: Final Beta Test! Hopefully we can meet us back in Battlenet 2.0 in a few weeks.

See you there and digg this if you liked it 🙂
German Version

via playxp (koreanisch) | TeamLiquid

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